Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Keeping Reptiles August Newsletter 2005

I just sent out the latest newsletter for August. The number of subscribers is growing consistently and is continuing to grow at about 50 a month. I'm always looking for articles and ideas so you can drop me a line from my contact page (link on home page) at You can also subscribe from this page.

The latest Keeping Reptiles newsletter (which is free) had articles on Iguanas and top 5 deaths in captivity, care of leopard geckos, some more information on snake nutrition as well as some feedback from readers on various articles in the previous issue.

I had some excellent feedback from another customer who used the reptile cage plans to make a cage by modifying a cabinet he purchased at Akea.

Another reader thanked me and told me a very sad tale about how one of his snakes died (his favorite) from food that was frozen but had deteriorated or been defrosted at some point but was not suitable. I intend to publish his story in the nexdt newsletter.

Another has asked me for some advice on getting her young snake to start feeding. I intend to publish this on the website, together with the outcome.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Geckos and Children's Pythons

I've just added some care sheets to on Leopard Geckos and Children's Pythons. These will also be featured in the coming newsletters. The newsletter archive can be found at

My bearded dragon is doing very nicely at the moment. Full of beans. The children's pythons have been cooled down a bit and I will probably turn up the temp in the next week or two to see if they are interested in breeding.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Welcome and Introduction

Hi and welcome to my Keeping Reptiles Blog. This is where I will announce new articles, newsletters and general information on keeping reptiles. I have a range of pets, notably Children's Pythons, a wonderful and gentle, small python from Northern Australia, some Blue Tongued Lizards, a Centralian Bearded Dragon and a Snake Necked Turtle. I will be adding to my collection over time and as my partner adapts.

I also have a website to help herp owners build their own reptile cages, called This site has lots of other resources 'below the bonnet', which means behind the home sales page.

I also publish a magazine, or ezine, called "Keeping Reptiles". This is a fortnightly ezine that is free to subscribe to. I am always looking for herp articles, so if you have a reptile story, care sheet or just want to cummicate with other, feel free.