Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Bearded dragon brumation/hibernation

A couple of weeks ago I noticed Gonzo, my bearded dragon, was acting a bit differently. Previously had always sat on a log close to the basking light, up fairly high. Lately had taken to hiding under newspaper. When I first got him he was not interested in a hiding place. I tried hiding dens but he always remained up high.

At first I wasn't sure what has caused his behaviour to change. He was still eating well, but only crickets. Greens, dandelions (his favorite) and other foods did not seem to interest him. The cage temperature had not altered but it was like he has decided to go into hibernation/brumation. When I lifted the newspaper to see him he was generally asleep. I couldn't figure out why.

It is winter at the moment in the southern hemishpere and the other reptiles are hibernating but Iwas surprised he had taken to it, as the internal temperature of the cage had pretty well remained the same. Not having had a bearded dragon before, I didn't quite know what to expect.

It was only just the other day that I realised that I had been shortening the snake cage days a bit here and a bit there and, as they run on the same timer, it has initiated the brumation in the bearded dragon. I feel a bit dumb about this as I should have realised.

My concern was kicked off by my wife, who kept on asking me "Is Gonzo OK? He's hiding. Are you sure he's not sick" I guess my immediate response was one of concern rather than thinking clearly of what had happened to change his behavior. I just adjusted the cage temperature down a bit to suit and let him hibernate.

Some days, the simplest things pass us by. I guess I was fooled by the blue tongues, who will go year round if you let them.

I think I will keep the bearded dragon lizard in the outdoor cage with the blue tongues and the snake necked lizard over the summer. You can see this cage on this page at


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